User Management
Softader 7 provides advanced control of your employees roles permissions and rights within the system and therefore your workflow processes. You can permit users exact amounts of financial and process responsibility required. It is also as flexible and scalable as it needs to be to meet the any type of business environment. .
Individual User Rights And RolesSoftrader 7s User Management system allows for fine grained control of users’ rights and roles. You can easily switch certain features on and off for certain users, as well as defining them in a certain role. For example, if a user is defined as an ‘Expeditor’, he or she can be added as that against a job, at which point the expediting of that job becomes their responsibility.
Permissions ProfilesSystem Administrators can turn features on and off as well as assigned a ‘ user profile’ for each user. The contain detailed settings controlling what parts of the system can be viewed and accessed. You might, for example, have a profile called “Warehouse Staff”. This user would have restricted vision to pricing on orders but would be able to make process documents such as Good Received Notes or Pick Lists. Similarly for other users they might be able to access pricing information and make Invoices but not be able to edit warehouse information for the order. In this way, you have very tight control over what your employees can and can’t see.
Financial LimitsYou can set financial limits for individual users at specific stages in the workflow process. Some users, for example, may be given a limit of £10,000 for purchase orders. If they try to produce a purchase order for more than this, they will get a message telling them that it needs to be authorised. This also applies to other actions such as order processing. It’s very simple to apply financial limits to any individual user in the system
AuthorisationsIn Softrader 7 a user is only be able to make a document within the rights of their user profile. For example a Sales Engineer is not able to quote over their specific quotation limit. When they do make a quotation above this limit the document will be clearly marked as unauthorised and a request for the quotation will be appear in the authorisations queue. The authorisations queue can be accessed by chosen users, they can review any details they need about the authorisation request be it a quote over the users limit or a delivery over a customers credit limit. When satisfied with the request the manager can authorise it allowing the other users to produce the necessary documents.This all means that you can control exactly who in your team has the right to carry out transactions of a certain size, and also, separately, who has the right to authorise them to do so.